Thirtysix taxa have been recorded within peru s protected areas system. Esta familia incluye 11 generos endemicos del peru. Su propagacion es principalmente en forma vegetativa tuberculos y es. Cuarenta y tres personas colaboraron y reunieron informacion entre 2003 y 2005. Six genera calymnanthium, lasiocereus, matucana, mila, oroya and pygmaeocereus are endemic to peru. The column rr indicates species with a restrictedrange, the endemic column those confined to peru and the two letter codes indicate the iucn threat status. Amaryllidaceae endemicas del peru blanca leon, abundio sagastegui, isidoro sanchez, mario zapata, alan meerow y asuncion cano. Epidemic and endemic mortality according to causes and sanitary conditions in midnineteenth century lima, peru. Introduccion a las plantas endemicas del peru scielo. Several species formerly only known from peru have recently been discovered in extreme southern ecuador on the border with podocarpus national park.
Endemic taxa are found in almost all regions, mainly mesoandean, very humid montane forests and subtropical costal desert, from sea level 100 to 3800 m elevation. Pdf introduccion a las plantas endemicas del peru jose. Alstroemeriaceae endemicas del peru blanca leon y norma salinas texto completo pdf. Aparentemente, no ha vuelto a ser recolectada desde 1929. Solanum, nolana and jaltomata are the genera with more endemic species. Good question, i had a look at the list of endemic species assessed for the national red list of peru, and it didnt come up, but only 34 of the. Apiaceae, paraselinum, peru, endemismo, plantas endemicas. Perus endemic gesneriaceae are found in the humid lowland amazonian forest and very humid montane forest regions, between 100 and 2900 m.
1257 237 947 638 1551 299 177 120 53 26 370 822 498 1504 1500 1493 739 292 313 1594 123 205 530 1342 1150 1102 380